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12.8k people called Port Royal, South Carolina home in 2019, with a median age of 25 and a median family income of $49,797. The population of Port Royal, South Carolina increased by 2.6% between 2018 and 2019, from 12,446 to 12,770, while its median household income increased by 13.5%, from $43,878 to $49,797.
White (Non-Hispanic) (62%), Black or African American (18.6%), White (Hispanic) (9.14%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.8%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.2%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Port Royal, South Carolina. In Port Royal, South Carolina, 0% of homes have English as the only language spoken.
Americans make up 97.1% of the population of Port Royal, South Carolina.
In Port Royal, South Carolina, the median home value in 2019 was $233,300, and 40% of households were owners. The majority of residents of Port Royal, South Carolina commuted alone by car, taking 15.9 minutes on average. In Port Royal, South Carolina, there were typically two cars per family.
12.8k people call Port Royal, South Carolina home, and 97.1% of them are citizens. As of 2019, 5.03% of Port Royal, South Carolina citizens were foreign-born (642 people).
7.92k White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 3.34 times more of Port Royal, South Carolina's population in 2019 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.37k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 1.17k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.
7.92k White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 3.34 times more of Port Royal, South Carolina's population in 2019 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.37k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 1.17k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.
Hispanics make up 12.5% of the population in Port Royal, SC (1.6k people)
5.03% of the 642 residents of Port Royal, South Carolina as of 2019 were foreign-born, which is less than the 13.7% national average. In Port Royal, South Carolina, the proportion of people who were born abroad in 2018 was 5.17%, indicating a declining rate.
The median age of all residents of Port Royal, South Carolina, in 2019 was 25. Citizens who were born in the country were often younger than those who were born abroad, whose median age was 33. However, the population of Port Royal, South Carolina, is aging. The average age of all residents of Port Royal, South Carolina, in 2018 was 25.
Mexico accounted for 64,736 of South Carolina's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2019, followed by India with 14,943 and Honduras with 11,181 foreign-born individuals.
In comparison to the national average of 93.4%, 97.1% of Port Royal, SC people were US citizens as of 2019. Port Royal, South Carolina had 97.3% US citizens as of 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
1.97 times more military soldiers from Port Royal, South Carolina, served in the Gulf War (2001-) than in any previous combat.
In South Carolina, the average income of men is $1.37 times greater than that of women, who earn $43,921. South Carolina's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.461, which is less than the country as a whole.
3.97k people work in Port Royal, South Carolina's economy. Health Care & Social Assistance (584 people), Construction (520 people), and Retail Trade (464 people) employ the most people in Port Royal, South Carolina. Utilities ($66,797), Transportation & Warehousing, & Utilities ($66,484), and Other Services Except Public Administration ($45,156) are the highest paying industries.
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