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1.22k people called Talahi Island, Georgia home in 2020, with a median age of 53.3 and a median family income of $95,993. Talahi Island, Georgia's population fell from 1,472 to 1,224 between 2019 and 2020, a 16.8% loss, while its median household income fell from $99,946 to $95,993, a 3.96% drop.
White (non-Hispanic) (89.1%), White (Hispanic) (5.56%), Asian (non-Hispanic) (2.78%), Two+ (non-Hispanic) (1.31%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (0.735%) make up Talahi Island, Georgia's top 5 ethnic groupings.
In Talahi Island, Georgia, none of the households reported that their primary shared language was anything other than English. Only the principal self-reported language used by all household members is taken into account here, not the potential multilingual character of households.
In Talahi Island, Georgia, 98.7% of the population is an American citizen.
Talahi Island, Georgia had a $397,600 median home value and a 95% homeownership rate in 2020. The majority of residents of Talahi Island, Georgia commuted alone by car, taking an average of 27.7 minutes. In Talahi Island, Georgia, there were often two cars per household.
1.22k individuals call Talahi Island, Georgia home, of which 98.7% are citizens. In 2020, 3.76% of Talahi Island, Georgia residents were foreign-born (46 people).
Talahi Island, Georgia had 1.09k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2020 than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups, 68 White (Hispanic) and 34 Asian (Non-Hispanic) inhabitants, respectively, were present.
In Talahi Island, Georgia, 6.29% of the population is Hispanic (77 people).
3.76% of Talahi Island, Georgia citizens (46 persons) were foreign-born in 2020, which is less than the 13.5% national average. Talahi Island, Georgia had 5.71% foreign-born residents as of 2019, which indicates a declining rate.
The average age of all residents in Talahi Island, Georgia, in 2020 was 53.3. The median age of residents of the United States was 53, which was generally younger than the median age of citizens of other countries, which was 65. However, the population of Talahi Island, Georgia, is getting younger. The average age of all people living in Talahi Island, Georgia, in 2019 was 54.
Mexico accounted for 234,298 of the foreign-born residents of Georgia in 2020, followed by India (98,606) and Jamaica (44,462) as the most frequent birthplaces.
Talahi Island, Georgia's population was 98.7% US citizens as of 2020, which is greater than the 93.4% national average. Talahi Island, Georgia had 96.7% US citizens in 2019, indicating that the rate of citizenship has been rising.
3.86 times more military members have served in Vietnam than in any previous combat in Talahi Island, Georgia.
Georgia's gender wage disparity is 1.35 times greater for men than for women, who earn $51,276 on average. Georgia's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.476, which is lower than the US average.
647 persons are employed in Talahi Island, Georgia's economy. Manufacturing (131 employees), Educational Services (115 employees), and Retail Trade (94 employees) are Talahi Island, Georgia's three largest industries. Manufacturing pays the highest wages ($83,350), followed by Educational Services ($64,196), Manufacturing ($64,196), and Educational Services, & Health Care & Social Assistance ($63,304).
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